Canada is one of the countries in the world that has partial social healthcare in which some services or products are paid for and some are out of pocket or at a discounted rate. This would come out of the pockets of Canadians whom are employed by many means from their taxes.
One of the most recent added aspects is gender reassignment surgery or a sex change. Most or all of it is covered in Canada and some of it is out of pocket. I feel for the most part it is okay however I would suggest, if not already entailed, is a stringent process that it is something that is necessary for the individual so it goes to the most needed person in terms of finances and health.
These processes are a lot of work and not cheap, at a whopping minimum of $17,000 or so Canadian or US. I would also suggest that there should not be favoritism in helping as there are many conditions that are not assisted and this feels a little discriminatory for other groups of individuals in need of medical help but is not covered by the system in Canada. If you are going to help one, you can not leave others hanging in regards to these issues. It is only fair. If you are going to provide what the Health Tribunal Considers a medical necessity for GRS, it should also be funded for other conditions that are just as important!
Below I will name some medical issues and why it is necessary (please note I am but one man so can only speak from my perspective and observations and advice on others can be added).
1) Eye medical conditions: There are many whom need glasses and contact lenses and can not see properly. They should be provided care free of charge or most of it covered, as it is only fair. Not being able to see properly or at all, is a medical condition that severely limits many people’s ability to function. Lasik and various eye surgeries should be provided.
2) Dental: Teeth are an important part of health and including the psychology of a person. A nice smile helps immensely for a person’s well being.
3) Cosmetic Funding: There are many who do not feel mentally healthy because of their looks and as such medical funds to help one look better can help them against discrimination which dilutes their opportunities for success. For example, many people in poverty can not have the means to groom as well and as such should also receive funding to improve their self image such as clothing, grooming, so they can more easily get work. There are many other examples and it is important to a person’s well being to feel good.
4) Mental Health: Let’s be honest, Mental Health Care is not really all that great from my observation in Canada. Most affected are the poor. You see them around Vancouver, especially the downtown area in the more poverty stricken parts such as DTES. There needs to be more research placed into these areas.
My argument for this is basically to go against favoritism and bias. I do not mind some of our health care coverage assisting people who feel they need a sex change to make themselves feel better, but it should be also provided for other conditions. Transgendered people are not more important than other conditions and as such should be funded too for their conditions. I am not debating that it should be taken away from them, I am debating that others should also be assisted for their conditions.
I am very ignorant when it comes to many laws and legal procedures, and if you happen to read this, please share and help activate this so others can get assistance from the health care which is supposed to be social!
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