The Grand Seduction


I got a chance yesterday to catch an advance screening of the film and it is secretly satisfying and a diamond in the rough, a buried treasure.  The film is a comedic look at rural Canada and the connection of a small harbor community town.  The film captures a unique bond many communities have and how they help each other to accomplish.

I will not ruin the film for you by telling the story however I will give a summation.  The story follows Murray and his community as they try to revive and initiate their small community as it lacks connections and motivation.  Their plan comes a grand seduction to bring about this into their town as they lay in despair with a bleak future for the town.

It is a very touching film and also very funny (and many others felt the same as I heard them all feel the film).  I highly recommend it and hope you enjoy it when it fully comes out to the public to view!